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Evidence-based articles & blogs to help with making training more effective, nutrition more flexible & life more enjoyable.


Fast Food + Fat Loss

How Eating Fast Food Can Help Your Fat Loss Journey. The title of this article may seem clickbait…After all… Fast food has a lot of calories and calories are the thing we need to manage to ...

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How To Eat 1kg Of Candy And Lose Fat (Halloween)

Just in time for Halloween… How to eat 1 lb of candy and lose fat?

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"Calorie Deficit Doesn't Work For Me"

When it comes to weight loss advice, there seems to be two camps. There are the people who say that weight gain is caused by eating too many calories, so weight loss occurs via a calorie ...

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Avoid Losing Muscle When Dieting

You don’t need to sign up to a spin class or spend hours on the treadmill. In fact, there is almost zero correlation between how much you sweat and how much weight you lose. Because losing ...

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Aspartame! Chances are you’ve heard from a coach like me that swapping full-calorie sodas for diet sodas is a great way to reduce your calories and lose weight. Chances are also you’ve seen ...

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Cardio Isn't For Losing Fat

I used to really bash on running. ​ That’s because I love lifting weights… And I absolutely hated running. ​ When I was in school, running was something we were made to do. ​ ...

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11 Macro Tracking Mistakes

So you’ve just learnt that you can get the physique you want without giving up the food you love, using some calculations and tracking. Welcome to the wonderful world of flexible dieting. As ...

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Fasting: A Closer Look

Still got questions about Intermittent Fasting? This should answer all of them.

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The Anabolic Window (And Why It's Crap)

Here's why you probably don't need to worry about cracking your post-workout protein shake open before you finish your workout.

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How To Eat Really BIG Meals (Without Blowing Your Macros)

Ever wanted to take down that towering triple-patty, ultra-cheesy, four extra pieces of bacon burger? Put in your order son - this is how you do just that, without blowing your macros & your fat ...

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Drinking Alcohol & Hitting Your Macros

Keen for a few beers? Read this before you get lit & have a macro-tracking shocker, or if you're simply looking for a way to fit a few drinks into your daily calorie/ macro targets.

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