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Evidence-based articles & blogs to help with making training more effective, nutrition more flexible & life more enjoyable.


Starvation Mode

Starvation mode… You know it’s a myth. But it feels like it could be true, right?

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Fast Food + Fat Loss

How Eating Fast Food Can Help Your Fat Loss Journey. The title of this article may seem clickbait…After all… Fast food has a lot of calories and calories are the thing we need to manage to ...

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Do You Even NEED To Train Abs?

Do You Need To Train Abs? To some people, the answer will seem clear. “I want a 6 pack, so of course I need to do sit ups and crunches, right?!” Other people will say “abs are made in the ...

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Cardio Or Weights For Fat Loss?

What’s better for fat loss… Cardio or weights? Surprise! Neither.

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How Many Workouts Per Week?

How many days per week should you workout? For most people, the more relevant question is how many days per week can you workout, within your busy schedule. But if you’re intent on figuring out ...

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How To Drink Alcohol AND Lose Fat

If you want to lose fat but you love a cheeky beer or wine (or three) over the weekend, then this article is for you. It is entirely possible to set up your diet in a way to allow you to have a ...

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Why Training For Your "Body Type" Is BS

Are you an ectomorph? Or a mesomorph? How about a mesomorph? I’ve got a surprise for you… You’re actually none of these. Because they aren’t real!

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How To Eat 1kg Of Candy And Lose Fat (Halloween)

Just in time for Halloween… How to eat 1 lb of candy and lose fat?

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Fasted Cardio For Fat Loss

The age old question… “Does doing your cardio fasted burn more calories?” The answer Nope. That was easy! “Well, does it burn more fat?” Yes - it actually does.

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Do I Have To Track Calories FOREVER?

Study surveyed #CHEATMEAL in 2017 and found 40% of these posts contained “intentional exposure of the body” and 15% contained a person exercising. You DO NOT have to “earn” the food you ...

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How To Speed Up Your Metabolism

If you’ve ever been told you might have a slow metabolism or you’ve seen things floating around online around how to “boost” or “kickstart” your metabolism… This article is going to ...

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Soreness ≠ Growth

We all know the feeling… After leg day, when you can barely walk down the stairs… Some people love it… Others hate it.

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Weekends Are Ruining Your Progress

Picture this: You’re walking across a bridge, it’s windy, there’s cars rushing past you. Damnit! You accidentally dropped $50 out of your wallet and watched it blow off into the distance, ...

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"Calorie Deficit Doesn't Work For Me"

When it comes to weight loss advice, there seems to be two camps. There are the people who say that weight gain is caused by eating too many calories, so weight loss occurs via a calorie ...

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Avoid Losing Muscle When Dieting

You don’t need to sign up to a spin class or spend hours on the treadmill. In fact, there is almost zero correlation between how much you sweat and how much weight you lose. Because losing ...

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Cheat Meals Ruining Your Progress

This study surveyed #CHEATMEAL in 2017 and found 40% of these posts contained “intentional exposure of the body” and 15% contained a person exercising. Let’s get this out the way from the ...

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Aspartame! Chances are you’ve heard from a coach like me that swapping full-calorie sodas for diet sodas is a great way to reduce your calories and lose weight. Chances are also you’ve seen ...

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How To ACTUALLY Stick To Your Diet

The internet is full of people arguing over which diet is best. Keto, paleo, mediterranean-o…You can barely go to the grocery store these days without seeing someone making a TikTok yelling at ...

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That One Mate Who Can Eat Whatever They Want

You know that one mate of yours who can eat ANYTHING he wants and NEVER seems to gain weight? F*ck that guy, right? Kidding.

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Bro Splits: Pure Magic or Pure Shite?

Back when I was a skinny, insecure teenager, I’d spend hours every night reading through the interviews on the Simply Shredded website. ​ Time and time again I’d read that these dudes ...

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NEVER Do This [PLUS - Free Training Programs]

Following a training program is DAY. ONE. SHIT. Not following a training program is like trying to navigate from one side of a foreign country to the other, on roads you’ve never seen, ...

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How Many Meals Should You Eat Each Day To Lose Fat? (The Definitive Answer)

Most people eat 3 square meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some people skip breakfast. Some even eat only One Meal Per Day. You’ve probably seen bodybuilders eating 6 or even more meals out ...

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Cardio Isn't For Losing Fat

I used to really bash on running. ​ That’s because I love lifting weights… And I absolutely hated running. ​ When I was in school, running was something we were made to do. ​ ...

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STOP 'Eating Healthy' For Fat Loss

So you want to lose some weight, that’s cool. What is the first thing you do? ​ Jump on google, of course. ​ “How to lose weight.” ​ Here’s what it gives you: ​ ...

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11 Macro Tracking Mistakes

So you’ve just learnt that you can get the physique you want without giving up the food you love, using some calculations and tracking. Welcome to the wonderful world of flexible dieting. As ...

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The 500 Calorie Deficit Myth

If you’ve been around the world of macro-tracking for a while, you may have heard of the “500 calorie deficit per day” rule.

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4 Reasons Keto Is Horse S%#t

Keto. Aka - ketogenic dieting. It intermittently does the rounds on social media as the latest, greatest thing - with every second man and his dog promoting it's benefits for fat loss. If ...

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Muscle Growth: The 25 Sentences That Will Teach You More Than A Uni Degree

Here are some cold, hard facts to help you with maximising the amount of muscle mass you're building. ​Because, while it may seem simple after we spell it out for you, there's a lot of people ...

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A smokey gym & a half-million dollar camera

Earlier this month, I found myself thinking - how did I get here? ​ ​ ​I studied to become a personal trainer in 2008. I started working in a gym the following year. ​ ​ Back ...

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‘How I Beat The Chicken, Broccoli & Hours of Cardio ‘ Diet

Eating clean is bullshit.​ ​ The term 'clean' is subjective as all hell, and means nothing, really. ​ It doesn't take into account the amount of calories that you're consuming, or where ...

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'Best' Exercises For Muscle Growth

If you’re in need of a hand with more strategic programming to accelerate your muscle growth efforts, you should know that I’m looking for TWO new clients to jump into my high level GOLD ...

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Finder Retail Awards - Nick Cheadle Fitness

Finder names Nick Cheadle Fitness as the best rated online fitness program brand for 2020/2021

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Evidence Based Programming (Part 2) - Volume

Part 2 of the Evidence Based Training series is all about training volume. Volume refers to the total amount of weight you're lifting, and if you're not yet tracking or keeping tabs on this, this ...

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Evidence Based Programming (Part 1) - Frequency

This article explores the importance of frequency in an evidence-based program & the role it plays in building more strength, muscle & skill.

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How To: Build the Ultimate Breakfast

Build more muscle and more epic breakfasts.

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How To: Build Muscle on a Budget

Strapped for cash but chasing gains? Here's the answer.

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Tracking Your Macros: How To Pick Your Foods

Not sure what to eat now that you have the whole world at your finger tips? Give this article a read.

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Fasting: A Closer Look

Still got questions about Intermittent Fasting? This should answer all of them.

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Travelling: How To Hit Your Macros

Travelling for work or maybe about to head away on a holiday & not quite sure how to go about hitting your macros on the run? We've got you sorted.

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Eating Out: How To (Still) Hit Your Macros

Not quite sure how to go about eating something that you haven't prepared yourself? Fear not - your friendly neighbourhood flexible dieting man is here to the rescue.

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The Lowdown on the Keto Diet

Avoid arguably one of the most abundantly available macronutrients for fear of leaving ketosis, or eat like a regular human. You'll find out more here.

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The Anabolic Window (And Why It's Crap)

Here's why you probably don't need to worry about cracking your post-workout protein shake open before you finish your workout.

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How To Eat Really BIG Meals (Without Blowing Your Macros)

Ever wanted to take down that towering triple-patty, ultra-cheesy, four extra pieces of bacon burger? Put in your order son - this is how you do just that, without blowing your macros & your fat ...

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Drinking Alcohol & Hitting Your Macros

Keen for a few beers? Read this before you get lit & have a macro-tracking shocker, or if you're simply looking for a way to fit a few drinks into your daily calorie/ macro targets.

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Why Your 'Bro Split' Is Busted

Only ever trained one muscle group per day? The results are in - it's highly likely that you're leaving some serious gains on the table as a consequence.

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You're Not Training Hard Enough

Why do we need to train so hard to grow? Because muscle growth is stimulated by mechanical tension.

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Rest Longer = More Gains?

Are you leaving gains on the table by not resting long enough between sets? When it comes to rest periods it’s a mixed bag.

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Not Motivated To Hit Gym? Do This

Picture this… You’ve just come home from a long day of dealing with bullsh*t at work. One of your co-workers made a mistake and you were the one who had to stay late to clean it up. Then you ...

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